A lovely customer who owns several Arden Cove bags came into our store to ask about strap extensions for her Dolores Backpack. She wears it to work and loves it, but on cold days where she wants a heavier coat it can be hard to get the straps on and off.
She's also traveling to London soon, and wanted to bring the bag with her.
We don't currently make any strap extensions, but I love that she came in to ask anyways because it was a great way for me to think about how I can solve her problem and gain knowledge on what people are having issues with for our products.
Right off the bat I thought the fastest solution would be to create two short chain straps. I would be able to make them super fast, and because she worked nearby in San Francisco Downtown, she could come in and try on the strap extensions the next day.
Here's how it went:
Luckily we had everything I needed to make two short strap extensions from our chain straps in the store.
I took 2 sets of clasps, 2- 5" of chain, and connected them together.
I tried it on the Dolores Backpack and felt it worked really well so I texted her to come in to try it!
She ended up loving it! I hope she has a great trip to London and will continue to love the Dolores Backpack.
What do you think? Does it solve an issue you have?
We're always open to hearing any problems or concerns, as we're always trying to improve, so it you have any more feedback, let us know in an email to support@ardencove.com
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