Where is home when you're constantly traveling the world?
Take it from this Canadian couple, Anna and Trevor, who are making their way across the globe looking for local hot spots and amazing experiences. Guest post by Anna of delightfultravellers.

We recently had a conversation with a friend regarding frequent or full time travel in which he stated he could never give up having a home base. We currently travel much more frequently than he does, but it still left me contemplating whether or not I could give up the idea of having a home. Trevor and I own our apartment, and probably spend about 60% of our year there. But as we travel more frequently, we also find ourselves yearning to travel even more- and it makes us contemplate what the idea of home actually means to us, and if we truly need one!
But as we travel more frequently, we also find ourselves yearning to travel even more- and it makes us contemplate what the idea of home actually means to us, and if we truly need one!
We absolutely love our city. It’s small, and walkable with a terrific food scene, we have family here as well as some fantastic friends whom we love to spend time with. That, combined with our wonderful apartment sounds like perfection, right? Well, we returned from a long trip back in mid-June and told ourselves that we’d stick around the city for the summer, enjoying the outdoors, and beer gardens and lots of get-togethers. However, after a few weeks we found ourselves itching to get away and explore. I wanted to go back to having the sense of quite literally not know what was around the next corner.
My sense of wanderlust is certainly increasing the more and more I appease it. I used to be able to go three of four months without traveling and could easily get lost in day to day life. Now, the moment I arrive at home I’m already counting down the days until I can leave again. And not having anything booked at all is the worst of all! At least the planning process can keep me busy in the meantime.
At this time in our lives we have commitments that will not allow us to travel full time. However, eventually we would like to rent out our home and give it a go. Perhaps at the moment we take our home for granted because we have one. Maybe if we didn’t, we’d find ourselves yearning for a base. Only time will tell. What I can tell you is that we already know we can live with very few possessions. Both of us refuse to pack anything larger than a carry on, it doesn’t matter if we’re going away for two days or two months. And we consistently find we over pack. Guaranteed there will always be one or two items in my suitcase that I barely touch and they just end up taking up space.
Prague, Czech Republic
As sentimental as it sounds, I know that if Trevor and I are together we can feel at home just about anywhere.
So yes, I love really do love my home. Just maybe not in the same way that other people do. I think my sense of home is more tied to a person, than a place. As sentimental as it sounds, I know that if Trevor and I are together we can feel at home just about anywhere. Both of us know we are not just lucky to have found one another, but also that our wanderlust seems to flow in unison.
So will we give up it all to travel the world? You’ll just have to follow along to find out!
You can follow Anna and Trevor’s adventures at www.delightfultravellers.com. Also follow them on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
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